02. GC - RL Projects related Outputs
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Reports and research outputs related to the long term cooperation between Global Campus and the Right Livelihood (RL) with the main purpose of enhancing children’s rights worldwide.
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ItemLo Studio Globale delle Nazioni Unite sui Bambini Privati della Libertà nel contesto italiano: Incontro di follow-up con rilevanti autorità garanti indipendenti in Italia(Global Campus of Human Rights, 2021) Altafin, ChiaraIl 6 e 7 luglio 2021 il Global Campus of Human Rights ha ospitato un Workshop online al fine di una maggiore sensibilizzazione in Italia sullo Studio Globale delle Nazioni Unite sui Bambini Privati della Libertà (2019) a guida dell’esperto indipendente Prof. Manfred Nowak, attraverso il coinvolgimento di fondamentali interlocutori italiani quali l’Autorità Garante per l’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza, il Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone private della libertà personale, i Garanti regionali e provinciali per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza, nonché i Garanti regionali delle persone sottoposte a misure restrittive della libertà personale. L’attenzione è stata rivolta a tre ambiti tematici: i bambini che vivono in carcere con i loro caregivers primari, i minorenni privati della libertà nell’amministrazione della giustizia, e i minorenni privati della libertà per motivi legati alla migrazione. Obiettivi principali del Workshop sono stati: (1) presentare i risultati e le raccomandazioni dello Studio Globale; (2) discuterne gli aspetti di particolare importanza nel contesto italiano, evidenziando le buone pratiche, le eventuali criticità e le necessità di miglioramenti (legislativi o nella pratica) a livello nazionale e territoriale alla luce di tali raccomandazioni; (3) condividere e raccogliere informazioni e dati sulle aree considerate; (4) identificare specifiche questioni rispetto alle quali intraprendere/supportare azioni (e.g. legislative, amministrative) e favorire soluzioni concrete, riflettendo sul modo in cui i Garanti indipendenti possono contribuire, nel contesto di una governance multilivello, a migliorare o quantomeno non deteriorare la situazione esistente alla luce di tali raccomandazioni. Tutti i punti di vista espressi sono stati utili a delineare un auspicabile processo di follow-up nei tre ambiti tematici trattati.
ItemUncomfortable Data: Ending Deprivation of Liberty of Migrant Children through Improved Data( 2021-07) Szoszkiewicz, Łukasz ; Balnaves, Hugo ; Canettieri, Carolina ; Stajić, MilicaAt least 330,000 children are deprived of their liberty for migration related reasons every year worldwide. Because of the limited data available publicly, little is known about the characteristics of these children. This study aims to verify the existence, accessibility, and quality of data on immigration detention of children. In order to verify what categories of data are recorded by the public authorities, the authors approached 37 states requesting statistics under Freedom of Information regulations. Migration authorities were asked for historical and up-to-date statistics disaggregated by basic demographic features such as gender, nationality and accompanied status. Although the findings confirm the scarcity of data, several data-related promising practices were identified. Their implementation can significantly improve data capabilities of migration authorities and contribute to better policy making, particularly in measuring the progress toward ending the immigration detention of children. This report builds on the experience of the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty (2019) which was the first scientific attempt to assess the magnitude of the situation of children deprived of liberty, including migrant children.
ItemPolicy Research on Children Deprived of Liberty in the Administration of Justice in South Asia(Kathmandu School of Law, 2022) Vyas, Ravi Prakash ; Karunan, Victor Prasad ; Kanel, Pranjali ; Kharel, AnushaThe Policy Research on Children Deprived of Liberty in the Administration of Justice in South Asia is the first of its kind as comprehensive research on children deprived of liberty in South Asia. The research is conducted to assess the amplitude of the occurrence of children deprived of liberty and the administration of justice in South Asian countries. It was based on the UN Study on Children Deprived of Liberty that provides an overview of the situation of children deprived of liberty worldwide and sets out clear recommendations for change and includes positive examples from a range of countries.
ItemAdvancing Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice(Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation (ACRiSL), 2022) Nolan, Aoife ; Skelton, Ann ; Ozah, KaraboBy clarifying what child rights-consistent Child Rights Strategic Litigation (CRSL) practice looks like and identifying examples of good practice and areas for development, the report aims to support litigators and others involved in CRSL in putting children’s rights at the heart of their practice. The report draws on in-depth interviews with CRSL practitioners and people with lived experience of CRSL as children across a wide range of global regions. It is also informed by the work of the project’s Child and Youth Advisory Group.
ItemKey Principles for Child Rights-Consistent Child Rights Strategic Litigation Practice(Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation (ACRiSL), 2022) Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation (ACRiSL)Key principles that should be borne in mind by Child Rights Strategic Litigation (CRSL) actors when carrying out work around the scoping, planning and design of CRSL, operationalising CRSL, working on follow-up to CRSL, including implementation, and working on extra-legal advocacy (political advocacy and other campaigning, media work and communications).
ItemReinforcing the rights of children in Secure Care Centres in South Africa: A baseline study to inform a model for the independent oversight mechanism of Secure Care Centres(South African National Preventive Mechanism, 2022) South African National Preventive Mechanism ; Centre for ChildThis report is one of the outputs of a project to develop a model for an independent oversight mechanism to reinforce the rights of children in secure care in South Africa. It focuses on the first three project objectives: undertake a base-line study of the current facilities, through visits to the Secure Care Centres and conduct interviews with children and with staff, to inform the model for an independent oversight mechanism.
ItemA model for independent oversight of Secure Care Centres in South Africa: National Preventive Mechanism(South African National Preventive Mechanism, 2022) South African National Preventive Mechanism ; Centre for ChildThis document sets out a model for the oversight of Secure Care Centres in South Africa, to strengthen child rights consistent practice. These centres accommodate children who have been referred by orders of the Child Justice Court, who are awaiting trial, undergoing residential diversion or serving a sentence.
ItemThe Global Campus Child Participation Model. Resource Pack( 2022) Karunan, Victor ; Loader, Reina-Marie ; Pwa Abeng Amah, John PaulThe report provides an overview of the GC’s Child Participation Model and its practical application during the International Child-Led Conference on Mental Health held in Nepal between January 31 and February 1, 2022. Rooted in Article 12 of the UNCRC, the model emphasizes the right of children to be heard and actively participate in matters affecting their lives. The report documents how children all over the world lived through the COVID -19 period. The conference main theme, mental health, and sub-themes, lack of educational mechanisms on mental health, unhealthy competition among children and violence against children, were chosen by children themselves through a structured participatory process involving a total of twenty-three national and international consultations between the September of 2021 and the February of 2022. The conference brought together a hundred and eleven children from the then seven regions of the GC, fostering a platform for peer learning, collaborative advocacy and intergenerational dialogue. The outcomes included an action plan on mental health and the establishment of the Children’s Leadership Team (CLT), demonstrating the potential of child-led initiatives to drive impactful change. Today, the GC – CLT is actively involved in project designs and implementation as follow-up. The GC aims to embed the CLT into its institutional framework and create partnerships to amplify children’s voices in human rights education and advocacy. This report underscores the GC’s commitment to pioneering innovative approaches for sustained child participation.
ItemChild Rights Strategic Litigation: Key Principles for Climate Justice Litigation(Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation (ACRiSL), 2023) Nolan, Aoife ; Skelton, Ann ; Ozah, KaraboChild rights strategic litigation (CRSL) is litigation that seeks to bring about positive legal and/ or social change in terms of children’s enjoyment of their rights. Recent years have seen a huge increase in CRSL related to climate justice being brought at the national, regional and international levels. These Key Principles for climate justice litigators working on CRSL emerge from the Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation (ACRiSL) Project. This is a three-year global research collaboration bringing together partners from advocacy and academia to work on child rights strategic litigation. The Key Principles draw on interviews and engagements with climate justice litigators across four continents, as well as a number of public ACRiSL Network events at which children and young people with lived experience of CRSL, litigators, and other CRSL actors working in the climate justice sphere shared their experiences. The Key Principles seek to show how child rights are being, and can be, integrated into climate justice strategic litigation practice. The Key Principles focus on four key stages of child right strategic litigation decision-making: the scoping, planning and design of litigation; the operationalisation of litigation, follow-up to litigation, including implementation and dissemination, and extra-legal advocacy (political advocacy and other campaigning, media work and communications).
ItemRight Livelihood Laureates - GC Alumni Skills Exchange Series( 2024) [...] ; Global Campus of Human Rights ; Right Livelihood Laureates ; Global Campus AlumniIn 2024, the Global Campus Alumni network invited four Right Livelihood Laureates and four alumni to lead roundtable discussions on human rights-related skills. The exchange aimed to share tools, skills, and strategies used by Laureates and Alumni from various continents to achieve goals, overcome challenges, and bring about change. The March-June 2024 conversations between Alumni and Laureates offer valuable insights for any human rights defender, expert, or passionate individual. Topics covered include grassroots advocacy for environmental protection, LGBTQ+ community campaigns, community empowerment through solidarity and self management, and gender and anti-gender movements. This publication intends to provide guidance for those working in human rights, social justice, and climate justice. We believe the ideas shared by Right Livelihood Laureates and the Global Campus Alumni community Alumni can inspire worldwide initiatives for human rights and social justice, inspiring new approaches and collaboration across settings.
ItemInclusion through Art: Children's Rights Teaching Toolkit(YSU PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2024) Muradyan, Mariam ; Avetisyan, Serine ; Abrahamyan, Tatevik ; Styvers, Karin ; Yerevan State University. Centre for European Studies (CES)“Inclusion through Arts” children’s rights education toolkit has been developed by the Centre for European Studies within the frames of Performing Arts Exchange-2” project implemented in cooperation with ShareMusic & Performing Arts – Swedish knowledge Centre for Artistic Development and Inclusion, Henrik Igityan National Centre for Aesthetics and Yerevan State University. The project which is being implemented as part of “Creative Force” action and funded by the Swedish Institute, aims to foster sustainable cross-sectoral collaboration and to explore methods on using arts as a tool to work with human rights. Inclusion Through Arts toolkit on teaching children’s rights enables teachers of the “Art” subject to achieve substantive results through various practical activities with child rights content. It targets teachers at public schools, as well as other professionals interested in this topic.
ItemThe fundamental issues related to the mental health and psychological well-being of schoolchildren in Armenia: Current challenges and ways to overcome : Research report(YSU Press, 2024) Amiryan, David ; Muradian, Mariam ; Ayvazyan, Anna ; Stepanyan, Helen ; Ishkhanyan, Lusine ; Petrosyan, Nane ; Ghalumyan, Victoria ; Yerevan State University. Centre for European Studies (CES)The topic of mental health has become relevant worldwide and also has had specific implications in Armenia. It concerns all aspects related to human life, without exception, as well as all ages of a person, considering their characteristics. The attitude towards mental health in Armenia changed dramatically in 2014 when the development and adoption of a strategy based on new ideas and principles were launched. Lamentably, these processes were accompanied by disasters at the global and local levels: the COVID pandemic, war, and security and existential problems. Given the impact of all this on children, the role of schools in maintaining and developing children’s mental health has become a priority. There are new amendments in the law for funding allocated in a school’s budget for the position of a school psychologist, thus allowing all schools to have one. The present study attempts to look at the described situation, the role of the school, and the functions of a psychologist through the eyes of children as direct beneficiaries.