Picchi, Caterina; Melo, Helena : Pereira de
A comparison is made between Italian and English legislation on ART, regarding the accessibility, availability and effectiveness of assisted reproductive techniques. A particular focus is done on the equal access to treatment and possible violations of human rights such as rights to health care and human dignity. The diversity in access criteria, reimbursement policies, equality in access and availability for treatments are examined. From the analysis, it comes out that the access criteria are wider in UK because they include same sex couples and single women, but public funding present some discrimination in the eligibility criteria for same sex couples and single women.
In UK the 74% of all ART cycles it is paid by patients and only the 26% is covered from the NHS ( National Health System). In Italy only heterosexual couples, married or cohabiting can have access to treatment, but there are no other eligible criteria to get access to public funding. Public funding in Italy is more complete than in the UK because drug therapy are always included and the NHS cover the 64% of cycles performed.