Strengthening security in cyber space : a brief study of restriction on cyber attacks

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Huang, Xu <1992- >
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Cyber security has drawn great attention in recent years as nowadays we rely on information and communication technologies (ICTs) more than ever before. From the civilian aspect, cybercrime cast shadow on information security, the increasing number of case is threatening the global economics as well as the public security. Moreover, misuse of ICTs in terrorist activities has enlarged its influence serving as an efficient tool. Furthermore, frequently launched cyber attacks have raised the global awareness concerning the potential risk of applying ICTs for military and political purpose, However, to date international legal framework seems to lack capacity in regulating relevant acts, while the global security and stability could be affected and challenged, there is urgent need for establishment and development on norms and regulation to restrict malicious cyber activities on the global level. In this thesis, I’m going to investigate on the possible restriction of cyber threats. In Chapter 1, I would make a brief introduction to these emerging cyber threats. Chapter 2 would focus on the updated debates and efforts concerning cyber security issue made by significant global and regional organizations. Last but not least, application of international law and principles on malicious state acts in cyber space would be discussed in Chapter 3.
Second semester University: University of Hamburg.
computer crimes, computer networks, computer security, cyberterrorism, information technology, information warfare