Strengthening the human rights treaty body system

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Koneva, Alexandra
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The present thesis takes stock of the ongoing process to enhance the effectiveness of the human rights treaty body system, which has reached a critical juncture when concrete action needs to be taken by the main stakeholders – the States parties and the treaty bodies. The goals of the research are to present a holistic view of the current strengthening process and to make suggestions aimed at the effective functioning of the treaty body system that should ultimately contribute to the enjoyment of human rights by their holders. Making a diagnosis of the present stage of affairs, the author suggests a package of measures to address the overriding challenges of the treaty body system and proposes options to ensure the complementarity of the decision- making processes initiated by the stakeholders for the purpose of provision for the holistic approach to the effective strengthening of the treaty body system that should ultimately contribute to the enjoyment of human rights by their holders.
Second semester University: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.
human rights, treaties, United Nations