Armed conflict and national security depriving children of liberty in the MENA region: Case studies and good practices
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Global Campus of Human Rights
The UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty outlines
various pathways to detention in the contexts of armed conflicts and national
security. A particular focus of this article falls on a comparative study between
three case studies in the Arab region – notably Iraq & Syria (ISIS regions),
Libya, and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). This comparative study
is used in order to identify common problems as well as common good practices
towards reaching a preliminary regional approach. With the defeat of ISIS,
approximately 29 000 children have been detained in the northeast of Syria
and in Iraq. Of those, only a limited number of children have been repatriated
to their or their parents’ countries of origin, highlighting the overall reluctance
of states to repatriate jihadist fighters for alleged security concerns. Detained
children associated with ISIS are susceptible to radicalisation, aggravated
socio-psychological harm and deprivation of the right to a normal childhood.
The changing nature of armed conflict from ‘traditional’ wars to conflicts
between non-state armed groups corresponds with an increase in the treatment
of children as perpetrators rather than victims (especially in Libya). Children
affiliated with terrorist groups are put to trial in circumstances that are
contrary to international child justice standards. In the OPT, a high number of
arrested children are mistreated, while they are also subjected to military courts
and law. While states have the primary duty to prevent any potential security
threats (including terrorism), protecting children from all types of violence is an
obligation under international human rights law. Recognising the pressing need
to liberate children from their precarious situation within detention camps, this
article calls for concerted efforts to bring adequate solutions in accordance with
international standards of justice for children in a way that promotes their
rehabilitation and reintegration.
Key words: children’s rights; armed conflict; national security; deprivation
of liberty; children deprived of liberty; children in Palestine; children of
ISIS; children in Libya; UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty;
deprivation of liberty on grounds of armed conflict; deprivation of liberty on
grounds of national security
AS Lotf, C vd Werf, C Arbi & R Jambi ‘Armed conflict and national security depriving children of liberty in
the MENA region: Case studies and good practices’ (2020) 4 Global Campus Human Rights Journal 311-338