Rohingya children in Bangladesh: Safeguarding their health-related rights in relation to the available healthcare system
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Global Campus of Human Rights
As at March 2020 Bangladesh hosted approximately 859 160
Rohingya people of which 54 per cent were children. The magnitude of their
health problems is undeniable and uncertainty about the consequences of
these health issues persists. Although Bangladesh is not a state party to key
treaties in international refugee law, several human rights treaties to which
Bangladesh is party (and some provisions of its Constitution) entail that the
state should safeguard the basic human rights of the Rohingya people in its
territory. This includes special protection for Rohingya children, particularly
in relation to access to essential services. This article analyses whether the
healthcare services and provision in one of the 34 camps set up in the Cox’s
Bazar district are sufficient to safeguard the health-related rights of Rohingya
children. The article employs a qualitative research methodology, on the basis
of field work conducted in September and October 2019. In parallel, the
authors look at the healthcare system available for Rohingya children from
a human rights-based approach, which should inform possible public health
interventions. Their analysis illustrates that for different reasons the existing
system struggles to provide adequate protection of the health-related rights
of these children. In exposing the critical situation related to the ability of
Rohingya children to enjoy their rights on Bangladeshi territory, the article
suggests that sustainable solutions to safeguard these rights can be found only
if the relief distribution, healthcare services, healthcare procedures and related
conditions work concurrently in an effective way as they are all interrelated. If
a single component does not function well, the affected rights cannot be secured
and children’s unhealthy living conditions in the camps are exacerbated.
S Das Gupta, MS Zaman, & K Begum ‘Rohingya children in Bangladesh: Safeguarding their
health-related rights in relation to the available healthcare system’ (2020) 4 Global Campus Human
Rights Journal 25-47