Characterising Migrations in Latin America: Analysis and Media Coverage Proposals of the Argentine Case
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Global Campus of Human Rights
The objective of this policy brief is to provide guidelines and tools for self-regulation of journalism
in Argentina, based on pluralism and differences in reporting and media coverage of migration,
as main principles.
Latin America has been and still is a continent defined by a dynamic and continuous migratory
flow, both in inter-regional and intra-regional terms. In the last few years, several states from the
region have been affected by setbacks in public policies, administrative practices and regulatory
provisions. These dynamics have been replicated and encouraged by mass media. By stereotyping
migrants in negative terms, mass media has justified human rights violations, highlighting and furthering
xenophobic expressions within civil society. Mass media play an essential role in this process,
as actors with the agency to shape a public agenda, enable or constrain imaginaries within
society and characterise and portray vulnerable groups, in this case, the migrant population.
Even though the phenomenon has extended throughout the region, analysing the Argentinian
case is of special interest due to the approach to migration from a human rights and securitisation
perspective. The growing criminalisation, following regressive policies and multiple discourses by
first-line government officials, has been accompanied by media discourse in tune with editorial
lines about the subject from the 1990s. Although it was nuanced at the beginning of this century, it
has re-emerged strongly in the last five years.
The present policy brief seeks to propose guidelines aimed at prevent xenophobia and eradicate
the use of stereotypes. It also suggests more appropriate conditions to think about professional journalism
and the interaction with migrant groups and audiences that actively participate in the shaping
news. Among these mechanisms, the strengthening of the Public Defender’s Office for Audiovisual
Communication Services is central. Finally, it suggests guidelines to strengthen and increase
support mechanisms for the self-regulation of independent journalism, without interference.