Learning from Women’s Movements to Develop Intersectional Policy-Making and Inclusive Policies: the Belgian Women’s Strike
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Global Campus of Human Rights
This policy brief aims to explore ways to operationalise the concept of intersectionality in policy-
making in Europe.
It takes into consideration the lessons brought by women’s movements in the world, and in
particular in Belgium. The Belgian Women’s Strike drafted a set of policy claims which focuses on
the needs and experience of the most vulnerable and marginalised women in Belgium. This recent
movement also developed an intersectional approach to organise the strike, with dedicated mechanisms
tasked to ensure the operationalisation of intersectionality in all its activities.
While there is an increased attention given by policy-makers to the concept of intersectionality,
they still face structural barriers to put it into practice. The scarcity of disaggregated data, insufficient
participation of marginalised people in policy-making and the absence of effective mechanisms to
operationalise intersectionality are strong obstacles to achieve intersectionality in policy-making.
The recommendation for policy-makers are centered first on increasing the visibility of marginalised
people, through data collection and the use of inclusive language. It is also recommended to
increase their participation in the policy-making process. Finally, this policy brief recommends to
establish mainstreaming processes and to enable existing equality bodies to develop an intersectional
approach when monitoring and implementing equality policies.