03. Capacity Development Projects related Outputs
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This section makes available the training, study and research materials produced in the framework of the capacity building and development support provided by the GC to new partner universities for the setting up of human rights education activities. These materials, both in English or local languages, can include textbooks, teachers workbooks, ad hoc publications, students' readers, assessment reports and more.
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ItemFeto sira-nia asesu ba justisa tranzitóriu iha Timor-Leste. Eskola buta huruf(Global Campus of Human Rights, 2024-03)Seeing the role of transitional justice an area of contestation, this book focuses on the principle of equality guaranteed in the access to transitional justice mechanisms, through the case of Timor-Leste. By raising women’s experiences in dealing with the law and policies as well as the implications of community and family practices during post-conflict situations, the book shows how these mechanisms may have been implemented mechanically, without considering the different intersections of discrimination, the public and private divides that exist in the local context or the stereotypes and values of international and national actors. The book argues that without unpacking the barriers in the administration of transitional justice, the different mechanisms that are implemented in a ¬post-conflict situation like in Timor-Leste may set a higher threshold for the participation of women. Moreover, by taking into account women’s perceptions of justice, it argues that scholars have paid insufficient attention to the welfare structures that are produced after a conflict, particularly the pensions of veterans. Going beyond the focus on sexual violence, a relationship between the violations and post-conflict economic justice may have longer-term consequences for women since it perpetuates their inequality and lack of recognition in times of peace. The use of transitional justice may thus exacerbate the invisibility of and discrimination against certain sections of the population. Inspired by the work of Hannah Arendt and based on extensive field research in Timor-Leste, the book has larger implications for the overarching debate on the social consequences of transitional justice.
ItemDevelopment of Human Rights Education and Research at the National University of Timor-Leste (2019-2022)(Global Campus of Human Rights, 2023-09)In 2019 the GC was entrusted by the EU to lead the new capacity-building project to set up human rights education at the National University of Timor-Leste in Dili. The action contributed to the promotion of human rights, democracy and sustainable development in Asia's youngest nation by establishing a Human Rights Centre aimed to engage in academic training, international networking and research activities. The project was implemented together with the Global Campus Asia-Pacific Programme and in coordination with the EU Delegation in Timor-Leste. Through testimonies and data, this booklet presents the result of the project.
ItemFurthering the Development of Human Rights Education at the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL). Independent Evaluation( 2023-06)This is the final report of an independent evaluation of the project ‘Furthering the Development of Human Rights Education’, which is funded by the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). The project is implemented by the Asia-Pacific programme (APMA) of the Global Campus of Human Rights (GC) and the GC’s Capacity Development Programme, in coordination with the EU Delegation (EUD) in Timor-Leste and local NGOs. The project aimed to contribute to the promotion of human rights, democracy and development by establishing a Human Rights Centre (HRC) at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL). The Centre mirrors the GC’s remit and spans training, teaching, outreach and research activities, and is fashioned to Timor-Lestes’ specific human rights and development challenges. According to programmatic documents it is expected that UNTL will steadily gain sufficient capacity during the project cycle to subsequently become an active participant in the GC’s Asia-Pacific regional programme (APMA).
ItemOur Human Rights, Our Future! An Introduction to Human Rights in Southeast Asia(Global Campus of Human Rights, 2022)This textbook is an output of the capacity development project for the mainstreaming of human rights education at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL), implemented in 2019-22 by the Global Campus of Human Rights with the support of the European Union. Available in English, Portuguese and Tetum languages, the textbook is meant to support the lecturers and students of the newly established curricular course "An Introduction to Human Rights in Southeast Asia", as well as any other higher education initiatives in Timor-Leste and beyond.
ItemAmi nia Direitus Umanus, Ami nia Futuru! Introdusaun ba Direitus Umanus iha Sudeste Aziátiku(Global Campus of Human Rights, 2022)Manual ida ne’e hanesan produsaun ida husi projetu dezenvolvimentu kapasitasaun ba integrasaun edukasaun direitus umanus iha Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), implementa iha 2019-22 husi Kampus Global ba Direitus Umanus ho apoiu husi Uniaun Europeia. Disponível iha lian Inglés, Portugués no Tetun, manual ida ne’e nia objetivu atu apóiu dosente no estudante sira iha estabelesimentu ba kurríkulu kursu foun "Introdusaun ba Direitus Umanus iha Sudeste Aziátiku", hanesan mós inisiativa seluk husi ensinu superior iha Timor Lorosa’e no mos fatin seluk.