Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine

Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine is a promotional publication with the intent to make the various activities of the Global Campus of Human Rights better known to our partners and the public at large. In order to increase the visibility of our activities in Italy, and in particular in Venice and the Region of Veneto, we publish our Magazine in both English and Italian.

It is structured in the following sections:

  • Press Office Interviews with donors, partners and speakers of the online Global Campus of Human Rights Conversations;
  • Updates on News & Events of the Global Campus of Human Rights at local and international level;
  • Main Campaigns to raise awareness of our impact and attract more supporters.

For more information, contact our Press and Communications PR Offices: Elisa Aquino - Giulia Ballarin - Isotta Esposito -

Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine è una pubblicazione promozionale il cui intento è far conoscere meglio ai nostri partner e al grande pubblico le varie attività del Global Campus of Human Rights. Al fine di aumentare la visibilità delle nostre attività in Italia, ed in particolare a Venezia e nella Regione Veneto, la Rivista viene pubblicata sia in inglese che in italiano.

E' strutturata come segue:

  • Press Office Interviews con sostenitori, partner e alcuni fra i partecipanti alla Global Campus of Human Rights Conversation;
  • Aggiornamenti riguardanti News & Eventi del Global Campus of Human Rights, sul piano locale e internazionale;
  • Le principali Campagne per sensibilizzare il pubblico sul nostro impatto e attirare più sostenitori.


Recent Submissions

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    Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine n 12 (March 2024)
    (Global Campus of Human Rights, 2024-03) Nowak, Manfred ; Venturini, Simone ; Galli, Jacopo ; Scrobogna, Mariagiovanna ; Molinari, Hélène ; Mondello, Chiara ; Ivanov, Vasil ; Aquino, Elisa ; Cammarata, Andrea G. ; Sante, Francesca
    Venice as a city for young people with a sustainable future is the main theme of this 12th edition of the Global Campus Magazine. “Coming to study in Venice must mean coming to study the future” is one of the messages of City Councillor Simone Venturini. The city increasingly realises that young people are an asset for Venice and, therefore, started the Venice City Campus project with the aim of doubling the number of university communities in the coming years. The “Citta Campus” initiative is closely linked to the idea of developing Venice to become the World Capital of Sustainability, as Jacopo Galli, the project manager of the Venice Sustainability Foundation, explains. The history of Venice, a city built in an “impossible” place, is a “path of sustainability that spans the centuries”. In his opinion, the Mose project, “a work of mobile hydraulic engineering that has no equal in the world”, is the “true game-changer of Venetian development, as it enables the socio- economic development of a territory finally protected by the sea”. Visions for a Sustainable Future is also the theme of a series of TEDxVenezia talks, as Maria Giovanna Scrobogna explains in her interview for the GC Magazine. “Venice is built on water, and water is the source of life” serves as a powerful inspiration for the SUMUS (“We are”) community in Venice with the vision of a new way of living respectful of humanity and the planet. “What makes us so optimistic is the power of nature” says Helene Molinari, the founder of SUMUS: “nature is not only a beautiful landscape or supermarket for human beings, nature is an unlimited source of innovations to solve all our human challenges”. She urges us to better protect the rights of children, animals, plants and minerals and to “give an identity to the rivers, mountains as if they were a person to be able to better defend their rights.” These ideas resonate very well with the new priorities of the Global Campus, developed in partnership with Right Livelihood, namely to go beyond children’s rights to the protection of rights of future generations, nature and Earth Trusteeship. “Living in Venice was a once in a lifetime experience” for Chiara Mongello, one of our current EMA student representatives, and her counterpart Vasil Ivanov adds: “I never lived in a place that can take your breath away a few times every single day”. However, according to Vasil, Venice is still “mostly known as a tourist city and not really as a study destination. If more is done for the local students, such as the establishment of more places to socialize, student events (festivals), sports facilities, venues etc (especially in the historic centre) I believe that more and more young people will start seeing Venice as their future study destination.” As Secretary General of the Global Campus of Human Rights, I fully agree with our EMA student representatives and, therefore, support local initiatives, such as the Venice City Campus and all efforts to make Venice the World Capital of Sustainability and, thereby, more attractive for students and young people who are actively engaged in fighting for climate justice and the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. Let me close this editorial with two messages of our student representatives. Chiara wishes the Global Campus community to “approach others with openness and kindness”, since “our honesty and interactions are our daily chances to live human rights and create positive impact”. In the same spirit, Vasil sees “many people from my generation that are good at outlining criticisms towards various things, however I wish more people started offering solutions as well. The reason for this is because the world nowadays more than ever needs answers about how to tackle multiple current crises instead of hearing the criticisms that the majority of people are already aware of.” _______________________________________________________________________ This issue includes interviews to: Simone Venturini, Jacopo Galli, Mariagiovanna Scrobogna, Hélène Molinari, Chiara Mondello and Vasil Ivanov
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    Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine n 11 (December 2023)
    (Global Campus of Human Rights, 2023-12) Nowak, Manfred ; Gomez Lucini, Zahara ; Westphal, Florian ; Caravelli, Adriana ; Rijal, Amrit ; Aquino, Elisa ; Cammarata, Andrea G. ; Ballarin, Giulia
    The 11th Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine underlines again the broad variety of our activities by means of interviews with high level personalities in the field of human rights. Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, was one of the keynote speakers who joined us in Venice during our third High-Level Venice Conference on the Global State of Human Rights, held on 14 and 15 July with the optimistic outlook “Towards a New Era of Human Rights”. The Venice Statement “Towards a New Era for Human Rights” as outcome document has been widely distributed and is also reproduced in the present Magazine. One of the keynote speakers of our EMA Graduation and Inauguration Ceremony on 24 September in the Scuola Grande di San Rocco was the former Minister of Women’s Affairs and Chair of the Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan, Right Livelihood Laureate Sima Samar. During this graduation ceremony, we awarded, in cooperation with the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities, the first joint Annual Engaged Artivist Award on Atrocity Prevention and Human Rights to Zahara Gomez Lucini who told us: “Against incomprehensible and confusing realities, against darkness, against fear and injustice, art can be a powerful tool.” Our strong commitment to bring the arts and human rights into a closer relationship was also underlined once more by our September Summer School on Cinema, Human Rights and Advocacy. One of the participants was Florian Westphal, the CEO of Save the Children Germany. He fully endorsed our deep commitment of empowering children and being guided by our Child Leadership Team. This approach was also underlined by the young child rights advocate Amrit Rijal who participated in our MOOC on “Children’s Mental Health: Rights and Perspectives”. Another major event during recent months covered in the present Magazine was the official opening of our new Master programme on Human Rights and Sustainability in Central Asia (MAHRS) on 29 September at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek. Other contributions to the present Magazine include further recent developments and events as well as an interview with the Italian Magistrate Adriana Caravelli, who reported about her role as Surveillance Magistrate to monitor places of detention in Italy and who has assisted Roberto Chenal already for several years in the preparation of our highly successful Training Course for Italian judges and lawyers on the recent jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (CEDU). _______________________________________________________________________ This issue includes interviews to: Sima Samar, Zahara Gomez Lucini, Florian Westphal, Adriana Caravelli, Amrit Rijal
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    Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine n 10 (July 2023)
    (Global Campus of Human Rights, 2023-07) Nowak, Manfred ; Matviichuk, Oleksandra ; Shynn, Daniel ; Kali, Yamuna ; Klumpner, Hubert ; Hanna, Andrew Leon ; Aquino, Elisa ; Ballarin, Giulia ; Esposito, Isotta
    The broad variety of contributions and interviews covered by the 10th edition of the Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine shows that the Global Campus has grown far beyond our core activity of organizing regional Master programmes in different world regions. Even within this core activity of post-graduate human rights education, we are expanding with an 8th Master on Human Rights and Sustainability in Central Asia (MAHRS). For many years, the regional programs of the Global Campus cooperate in organizing joint activities. The last Global Classroom, bringing together students, alumni and professors from all regions, was held in Pretoria and discussed the phenomenon of internal displacement from different regional perspectives with the active participation of Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons. The second annual joint activity, the Global Campus International Conference, was organized by our President Veronica Gomez in Buenos Aires at the beginning of March on the topic of science and human rights. And much more on: Capacity Development at the Moldova State University, GC Children Leadership Team, the 14th Venice School for Human Rights Defenders. _______________________________________________________________________ This issue includes interviews to: Oleksandra Matviichuk, Daniel Shynn and Yamuna Kali - EMA students representatives, Hubert Klumpner, Andrew Leon Hanna.
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    Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine n 9 (March 2023)
    (Global Campus of Human Rights, 2023-03) Nowak, Manfred ; Bumma, Domenica ; De Dilectis, Laura ; Damiano, Ermelinda ; Kayyal, Mahsa ; Aquino, Elisa ; Ballarin, Giulia ; Esposito, Isotta
    This year we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th anniversary of the 2nd World Conference of Human Rights, which took place in Vienna in June 1993. The two most memorable slogans from Vienna were “All Human Rights for All”, the motto of the NGO Forum underlining the universality, equality, interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights, as well as “Women’s Rights are Human Rights”, one of the most influential demands of NGOs. In retrospective, this might seem surprising, as the equality of women had been strongly rooted from the outset in the legal UN human rights framework, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), adopted in 1979 and having entered into force in 1981, had become a milestone in the advancement of women’s rights and the fight against gender-based discrimination. However, while discrimination against women had been gradually eliminated from domestic laws and women had increasingly gained access to all human rights, including the rights to vote, to education, to marry and to justice, the most egregious violations of women’s rights continued to be practiced in the “private” sphere, be it in the family, the work place or in society at large. In the UN system, rights of women were dealt with in the Commission on the Status of Women rather than in the Human Rights Commission, and the monitoring of CEDAW by the CEDAW Committee was strictly separated from the activities of other UN human rights treaty monitoring bodies. The Vienna World Conference on Human Rights 1993 and the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing 1995 symbolized a paradigm shi! in the protection of human rights of women in the “private” sphere, above all against domestic violence, all forms of sexual harassment and gender based violence, traditional practices such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, honour killings, sati, the gender pay gap in business etc. In December 1993, only half a year a!er Vienna, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, and in March 1994 the Human Rights Commission created the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, which had a major impact on the advancement of women’s rights and led to the adoption of domestic laws on domestic and other forms of violence against women and girls. Much has been achieved in making women’s rights more equal to men’s rights, but much more needs to be done in fighting for the full equality of women and against male dominance in governments and politics, business, religion, the family and society at large. That’s why this 9th edition of the Global Campus Magazine and the Global Campus Human Rights Conversation on 8 March, marking the International Women’s Day, is dedicated to strengthening the human rights of women. _______________________________________________________________________ This issue includes interviews to: Domenica Bumma, Laure De Dilectis, Ermelinda Damiano, Mahsa Kayyal.
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    Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine n 8 (December 2022)
    (Global Campus of Human Rights, 2022-12) Nowak, Manfred ; Aquino, Elisa ; Ballarin, Giulia ; Esposito, Isotta ; Lemmens, Paul ; Fiorelli, Jessica ; Afghani, Jamila ; Slivyak, Vladimir ; Longatti, Ambra ; Aquino, Elisa
    This year’s EMA Graduation and Inauguration Ceremony in the Scuola Grande di San Rocco on 25 September was dedicated to commemorate the 25!" anniversary of the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA). In his keynote speech and interview with this Magazine, one of the founders of EMA, Paul Lemmens, reminded us how Antonio Papisca, the “idealist from the University of Padua”, and Daniela Napoli, the “activist from the European Commission’s unit for Human Rights and Democratisation”, had laid the foundation for this innovative transdisciplinary, pan-European and inter-university Master programme. A#er Antonio had invited his colleagues from other EU based universities to a first meeting in the Palazzo Ducale in the spring of 1997, Massimo Cacciari, then Mayor of Venice, offered to host this programme in Venice. While the first generation of EMA Masterini 1997/98 was taught at a former secondary school on Giudecca, the second generation was already hosted at our Monastery of San Nicolo at the Lido. I vividly remember the day in late spring 1998 when Antonio proudly showed us our new venue and none of us could imagine that the necessary renovation work could be achieved during the few months until the students were in fact taught in the Aula Magna (now named Antonio Papisca Hall) and lodged in the former monks’ cells. Sadly, Daniela Napoli was no longer able to celebrate 25 years of EMA with us as she had passed away shortly before. With sincere gratitude and admiration for all her activist human rights work, I presented the Global Campus Medal of Honour for Daniela to her husband during this year’s Ceremony, which was also overshadowed by the sudden and tragic death of our longtime and beloved IT and web advertising coordinator, Nicola Tonon. Since its inauguration in 1997, more than 2000 EMA Masterini have graduated in Venice and work as human rights professionals, activists and defenders in governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, the corporate sector and academia, where they spread the message of human rights as our EMAlumni and EMAmbassadors to all corners of our planet. Jessica Fiorelli, EMA graduate of 2016 and newly elected President of the EMAlumni Association, shares in her interview her belief in the power of the EMA and Global Campus Alumni community to make positive change in our societies. In times of growing economic inequality, climate disaster, disinformation and a brutal war in Europe, such positive visions of young change makers are most encouraging. Next year, we will commemorate 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and 30 years of the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights. It is indeed high time for a radical change in our current world order of insecurity and destabilisation. The Global Campus of Human Rights with its seven regional Master programmes as the world’s largest university network of post graduate human rights education is prepared to actively contribute to this urgently needed change towards a new world order based on peace, global justice, democracy, the rule of law, sustainable development and universal human rights, including rights of future generations and rights of nature. In addition to providing human rights education and trainings, including of more than 500 electoral observers (see the interview with Ambra Longatti of the European External Action Service), the Global Campus is increasingly engaged in supporting grassroots human rights defenders, based upon the social responsibility of universities and our global academic human rights community. Thanks to our long-term partnership with Right Livelihood, we are closely cooperating with Right Livelihood Laureates. Vladimir Slivyak, co-founder of Ecodefense, one of the oldest environmental groups in Russia and Right Livelihood Laureate of 2021, in his keynote speech at the EMA Graduation Ceremony, explained his campaigns to stop various nuclear and fossil fuel projects in an increasingly authoritarian environment in the Russian Federation: “In order to protect our environment, which is essential for human survival, you need democracy and the respect for human rights. So both things – human rights and environmental protection – are very well interconnected.” On 6 November, during a workshop at the office of Right Livelihood in Geneva, we finalized and signed the contract for our new joint five years’ project on providing support to human rights experts and defenders in exile; and on 30 November, we represented the Global Campus during the 2022 Right Livelihood Award Presentation in Stockholm to the new Laureates from Somalia, the Ukraine, Venezuela and Uganda, whose achievements are described in detail in this Magazine. Since the takeover of power by the Taliban in Afghanistan in August 2021, the Global Campus is directly involved in providing a safe space for threatened Afghan students, scholars and human rights defenders at our universities. In another interview with this Magazine, Aurora Prize 2022 Laureate Jamila Afghani explains the difficulties of helping Afghan women, youth and children in refugee camps and underlines the importance of human rights education: “The only way to change the course of our country is through educating our future leaders. …Only through education we are able to shi# the mindset of future generations to secure a more peaceful and inclusive society.” In this context, the Global Campus expressed its outrage about the deliberate attack on the Haj Education Centre in Kabul on 30 September 2022, when more than 50 students were killed and more than 100 injured. Other highlights of Global Campus activities during recent months described in this Magazine were the Summer School on Cinema, Human Rights and Advocacy, organized on an annual basis in cooperation with the Venice International Film Festival; the organization of a human rights course for more than 1000 Timorese Students by our Human Rights Centre of the National University of Timor Leste, which will be officially handed over to the University in December in the context of celebrating 20 years of independence of Timor Leste in the presence of President Jose Ramos Horta; the MOOC on Science and Human Rights as an introduction for our International Conference on this topic to be held in Buenos Aires from 27 February to 3 March 2023; a Training on Academic Freedom which we provided to the Human Rights Focal Points of EU Delegations worldwide in Brussels on 15 November; the EU NGO Forum “Stop Impunity – The Road to Accountability and Justice” in Brussels on 14-15 December; the Global Forum on Justice for Children and Deprivation of Liberty in Nouakchott, Mauritania, on 8-9 November, where we took stock of recent developments in the implementation of the recommendations of the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty, which I had presented to the UN General Assembly in October 2019. The 8!" Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine once more illustrates the broad variety of impressive activities carried out by the Global Campus in times of dramatic European and global crises and challenges as well as shrinking financial resources. _______________________________________________________________________ This issue includes interviews and special contributions: Prof. Paul Lemmens, Former Judge at the European Court of Human Rights; Jessica Fiorelli, President of of the EMAlumni Association; Jamila Afghani, 2022 Aurora Prize; Vladimir Slivyak, 2021 Right Livelihood Laureate; Ambra Longatti, EEAS Policy Officer