The use and application of the ‘safe third country’ concept within the EU: an instance of securitization of migration and violation of the principle of non-refoulement
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In recent years, mass migration flows have arrived in the European shores. Every
day, people fleeing from persecution, conflicts or searching for a better future are
arriving in Europe. Since 2015 and the arrival of thousands of migrants, migration
management in Europe is characterized by emergency. One solution to mitigate the
arrivals of irregular migrants was the externalization of migration management and
the cooperation with third countries. In 2016, the EU-Türkiye Statement was enforced
and the ‘safe third country’ notion was applied. The aim of this research was to
analyze the use and application of the ‘safe third country’ notion within the EU
through the lens of securitization theory and legal analysis. The following research
displayed that the use and application of the ‘safe third country’ notion can be
conceptualized as an instance of securitization of migration, and that could be
incompatible with the realization of refugees’ rights and more specifically with the
principle of non-refoulement. Eight years after the enforcement of the EU-Türkiye
Deal and the designation of Türkiye as a safe third country allowed us to showcase
the political and legal implications of the application of the notion and to conclude
that extensive cooperation with third countries maybe is not the way to move forward.
Second semester University: Maastricht University