FGM/C in asylum policy: the long way towards a gender-sensitive approach
FGM/C in asylum policy: the long way towards a gender-sensitive approach
Kobeinsdóttir, Elínborg
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With increased migrants and asylum seekers world flows, Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) has become a reality outside of practicing countries, worldwide. This work examines the gender-sensitivity of the European Union´s Asylum policy with respect to FGM/C, as it can seriously affect the protection and wellbeing of female asylum seekers. The lack of it, hinders them acting as agents of change.
To capture the complexity of the phenomenon within a human rights perspective, this thesis takes Transnational Feminist Theory as a conceptual and analytical framework that places the experiences of women in a broader socio-cultural context. It explores and uncovers the level of gender-sensitivity of existing law and policies, particularly Directives of the Common European Asylum System. Analysed empirical data, which includes GREVIO´s first country reports based on the Istanbul Convention´s demanding requirements, reveal a discrepancy between policy standards and operative implementation. The Thesis’s innonvative character and main contribution lies in a theoretical perspective with a broader socio-cultural context and new instrumental empirical data from the implementation of the Istanbul Convention. Gender-sensitivity in the whole policy cycle is key to uphold the Human Rights of those affected by FGM/C, protect their wellbeing and contribute to their empowerment.
Second semester University: University of Cyprus
female circumcision,
Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence,
domestic violence,
asylum seekers