Towards social change or reproduction of the same old narrative : a qualitative content analysis of the coverage of femicide in Austrian media in 2021
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Femicide is a global phenomenon, which scholars, activists, and international and national
organizations define as the killing of women and girls because of their gender. According to
police statistics, 41 women were killed by their partner, former partner, or family member in
Austria in 2018. It is a dismal record in this country. In recent years, the concept of femicide
has gained attention in international public debate. The media plays an essential role in raising
awareness on this topic. However, news coverages often reproduce harmful racial stereotypes
and myths, including voyeuristic elements and sensationalism. Since the refugee crisis, media
and governing parties frequently refer to "imported violence," instrumentalizing femicides for
racist and political agenda. This thesis aim is to contribute to the media discourse of genderbased
violence in reporting by examining selected Austrian newspapers in 2021, with a focus
on the framing of femicides and the differences between foreign and national perpetrators.
Gender-sensitive and nuanced reporting can convey facts and knowledge while highlighting the
systematic problem rooted in patriarchal social structures. The media can play an essential role
in combating violence against women.
Second semester University: University of Bucharest