Towards eradication of modern slavery from global supply chains : analysis of the effects of legal instruments on the timber supply chain between Brazil and United Kingdom
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The object of this work is the analysis of the legal mechanisms concerning the eradication of modern slavery and their influence in global supply chain practices towards eradication of modern slavery, based on an investigation of the timber supply chain between Brazil and UK. The research was structured in three chapters, that started by the review of the current international legislation related to modern slavery and the domestic legislation in the UK and Brazil. Further, the concept of slavery was considered, in order to establish its peculiarities. After, the UNGPs were scrutinised and the importance of business responsibility to respect human rights was discussed. A special focus was given to the challenges presented by supply chains, highlighting the relevance of due diligence processes to identify human rights risks. The final chapter investigated the timber supply chain between Brazil and UK, underpinned by the examine of the current scenario of illegal logging in the Amazon forest that led to the reflection about the interaction between Brazilian suppliers and UK importers and the measures that can be implemented to change the current practices that use deforestation and slave work to harvest tropical timber.
Second semester University: University of Nottingham