The Greek concept of religious freedom: are all religious and non-religious beliefs equal for the Greek State? Yes. But Orthodox Christianity is “more equal”

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Fantsoudis, Georgios
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This thesis will examine whether the right to religious freedom in Greece is absolute or relative, in light of the recognition of a dominant religion in the country. The framework of its protection will be presented primarily based on Constitution, along with the relevant international conventions to which the country is a contracting party. An interpretation of article 3 of Greek constitution, which recognizes Orthodox Christianity as "prevailing religion" in Greece, will be attempted. Whether the dominant religion has a privileged position at the expense of the rest beliefs will be sought in the field of Greek education, in the oaths taking place in public functions of the state, in the legislative framework surrounding the establishment of heterodox and heteroreligious places of worship, and in the criminalization of blasphemy for the benefit of dominant religion. Additionally, it will be examined the treatment of conscientious objectors by the Greek state, as well as the positive initiatives that have been taken over the last 25 years towards reinforcing the right to religious freedom in the country.
Second semester University: University of Zagreb
freedom of religion, Greece