Sports beyond sex : a study on trans and intersex people in sex-segregated Swedish amateur sport
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Anno 2020 many human rights bodies have pointed out that trans and intersex individuals are
entitled to the equal enjoyment of human rights just like everyone else, that includes to
participate and enjoy sport. Amateur sport is the foundation of all sports. Trans and intersex
people in Swedish amateur sport face structural discrimination and one main reason is the
rigid sex-segregated structure and the underlying masculine sports culture, which can be
found on all levels in a lot of sports.
The purpose of the study is to investigate how the traditional structure of sex segregation, and
the underlying masculine sports culture, affect trans and intersex persons’ right to participate
and enjoy sport, and to elaborate on ways to include, and strengthen the rights for the group,
without jeopardising the same rights of others, especially women. The study has conducted 10
semi-structured interviews, with trans and intersex people, sport coaches, the Swedish Sport
Confederation and politicians. From a queer-feminist approach it analyses the results based on
the structural framework (1) the right to participate, (2) the right to equal enjoyment, (3) fair
play and (4) sports beyond sex. These categories derive from the Swedish sports movement’s
fundamental values and its ambition to create “inclusive sports for all”.
The study distinguished five distinctions of sex-segregated sports, (1) elite and amateur
sports, (2) competition and practice (3) adult and youth sports (4) team and individual sports
and (5) traditional and new sports. Based on these distinctions the study found that Swedish
amateur sport can be hostile areas due to, inter alia, sex-segregated teams, divided locker
rooms, stereotypes and social norms and competition rules. In order to strengthen the human
rights for, and include, trans and intersex the state and the Swedish Sport Confederation are
the main duty bearers. From a long-term perspective the sports movement needs a profound
change and a structure and a culture that identify them, instead of dividing them. That is the
essence of “sports beyond sex”.
Second semester University: Utrecht University