Beyond due diligence: enhancing business respect of human rights through engagement with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
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Endorsed four years after the establishment of the United Nations Guiding Principles on
Business and Human Rights, the Sustainable Development Goals underscored the vitality of a
multi-stakeholder approach to global progress. However, despite emphasizing corporate
contribution, Agenda 2030 failed to link the SDGs to the existing framework for business and
human rights. In order to realize the Global Goals, the compatibility of the SDGs and the
UNGPs must be further explored. The following research aims to expand the link between the
SDGs and the UNGPs and explore the practical integration of the SDGs into existing business
responsibilities. In order to provide a practical understanding of the theoretical developments,
the research examined the business case of Marks and Spencer. A thematic assessment of the
company’s dual-approach to human rights and sustainability revealed the possibility and
potential of UNGP and SDG integration.
Key Words
United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Sustainable Development
Goals, Due Diligence, Agenda 2030, Business and Human Rights, Corporate Strategy, Corporate
Social Responsibility, Marks and Spencers, Business Case Study, Ethical Business
Second semester University: University of Seville