Operationalising human security in terms of the EU European security and defense policy : the case of EULEX Kosovo
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The European Union has formed a distinctive approach to security which led, as of 2003 when ESDP became operational, to the growing recognition of the EU as a global security actor. The European Security Strategy and the evolution of the ESDP structures and missions developed a comprehensive security approach. However, the identification of a lack of coherence on the overall EU involvement abroad and the deficiencies in the practice of the ESDP have led various academics and EU officials to reconsider the need for an effective operationalisation of the European Security Strategy. The Study Group on Europe’s Security Capabilities has formed a proposal for the adoption of a human security approach for the EU. The thesis argues that the EU is already taking substantive steps towards a human security approach by mainstreaming human rights in the ESDP, by coordinating the missions’ involvement with development Community action and by addressing past inconsistencies. The case of EULEX Kosovo mission, along with the appointment of the EU Special Representative for Kosovo and the European Commission activities, is illustrative of this shift of focus towards the security of people. The official adoption of and use of human security as an overall external action objective would further this process and enhance the overall EU security action abroad
Second semester University: University of Graz.