Furthering the Development of Human Rights Education at the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL). Independent Evaluation

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Longhurst, Kerry
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This is the final report of an independent evaluation of the project ‘Furthering the Development of Human Rights Education’, which is funded by the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). The project is implemented by the Asia-Pacific programme (APMA) of the Global Campus of Human Rights (GC) and the GC’s Capacity Development Programme, in coordination with the EU Delegation (EUD) in Timor-Leste and local NGOs. The project aimed to contribute to the promotion of human rights, democracy and development by establishing a Human Rights Centre (HRC) at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL). The Centre mirrors the GC’s remit and spans training, teaching, outreach and research activities, and is fashioned to Timor-Lestes’ specific human rights and development challenges. According to programmatic documents it is expected that UNTL will steadily gain sufficient capacity during the project cycle to subsequently become an active participant in the GC’s Asia-Pacific regional programme (APMA).
human rights education, East Timor