The implementation of the optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
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The objective of this dissertation was to research the future impact of the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural. This new treaty was adopted on the 10th of December 2008. From its entrance into force, the Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights will be able to receive and consider communications submitted by individuals or groups of individuals claiming violations on any, or several, of the rights recognized in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The Optional Protocol also foresees an inquiry procedure and the use of the Committee’s good offices as a means for a friendly settlement of disputes. The research focused on the possible impact the new instrument will have on the work of the Committee contributing to making the substance of economic, social and cultural rights more clear to States Parties since they are the primary actors regarding the implementation of these rights. The research also focused on the vast possibilities now opened to the Committee when starting to make use of the new treaty. The future work of the Committee will represent a considerable leverage for the recognition of economic, social and cultural rights as real human rights, just as civil and political rights always have been.
Second semester University: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.