Civilian-humanitarian military coordination in the "security grey zone" during the rehabilitation phase of peace operations: bridging (the gaps between) conflicting visions, interests and mandates : a case study of Afghanistan

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Encarnacao, Teresa Dos Santos
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Civilian-humanitarians and the military involved in rehabilitation operations have different visions, interests and mandates. To what extent do such differences and the security grey zone context – characterised by insecurity, the influence of political interests and the increasing military engagement in activities once deemed the exclusive domain of civilian-humanitarians – hamper the potential for these actors to coordinate efforts to achieve the common goal of ensuring sustainable peace in, and the rehabilitation of, a country? The present research aims at gauging how the relationship between civilianhumanitarians and the military operating in rehabilitation operations in security grey zones can be improved through an effective Civilian-Humanitarian Military Coordination. The thesis concludes that in complex, multidimensional operations, as the one established in Afghanistan, civilian-humanitarians and the military must make a strong commitment to understand each others’ working cultures and mandates, to respect natural institutional differences and operational limitations, and to recognize that many of the problems they face when relating to one another derive from the overall working context. Thus, specific guidelines and models for Civilian-Humanitarian Military Coordination are required for security grey zones in rehabilitation operations. These must be developed and implemented by the responsible institutions and well known by civilian-humanitarians and the military.
Second semester University: Utrecht University.
humanitarian assistance, Afghanistan, humanitarian intervention, intervention, military occupation