Gender trouble(s) : women expressing agency in their everyday lives during the Northern Irish Troubles (1969-1998).
Gender trouble(s) : women expressing agency in their everyday lives during the Northern Irish Troubles (1969-1998).
Gough, Sinéad
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The violence of the Troubles has caused intense and diverse reactions from women across
the political divide. While some women have made a valuable contribution to the reduction
of violence in the region by stepping into the public domaine and cutting across community
lines, others have reacted to violence by actively resisting it in gendered ways. Some women
have also directly participated in the conflict by means of physical violence and protests.
This paper examines the wide range of women’s expressions of agency during the conflict. If
anything, these differences show the extent to which women’s experiences of and responses
to armed violence are inextricably linked to issues of class, ethno-cultural belongings,
political persuasions, and sexuality. It appears reasonable, in addition, to suggest that conflict
opens up new spaces where women are able to transgress conservative norms and question
their own relationship to political activity.
Second semester University: Queen's University, Belfast
Northern Ireland,
political participation,
political activities