When the protector becomes the perpetrator : accountability for human rights violations by UN peacekeepers
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“There are currently thirteen United Nations peacekeeping operations around the globe.
These missions are established to assist countries affected by conflict and internal instability
by providing support and guidance when transitioning from conflict to peace. The mandates
of peace operations have expanded enormously over the decades and today peacekeepers
have the task of protecting the local population, upholding human rights while
simultaneously providing peacebuilding support. However, peacekeeping operations,
unfortunately, do not only comprise of positive outcomes but most often entails various
noxious consequences such as sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).
In 2013, a UN investigation into peace operations revealed that SEA by peacekeepers has the
most deleterious effect on UN peacekeeping missions. Despite the Secretary-Generals'
Bulletin on zero tolerance of sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers, SEA by
interveners has become pervasive in peace operations ranging from pornography to
transactional sex, sex trafficking and even raping at gunpoint. The trauma of sexual violence
and violations of human rights during a conflict is already by itself horrible and challenging
to maintain. Thus, when peacekeepers who ought to be the protectors turn around to be the
perpetrators of horrendous human rights violations against the most vulnerable people; these
acts are deemed more treacherous than ever.”
Second semester University: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki