How actors involved in organized crime can teach the European police office about cross cultural cooperation

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This study aims to answer two questions: (1) What cross cultural cooperation mechanisms are used by organized criminal gangs? (2) How can Europol utilize these mechanisms? In order to identify cross cultural cooperation mechanisms, it is first necessary to define cross cultural cooperation. Once a definition of the term cross cultural cooperation has been identified, this study examines the Ndrangheta’s activities in Australia in order to determine said mechanisms used by this organized criminal gang. Two cross cultural cooperation mechanisms are identified (1) Colonization (2) Multifacetism. Colonization is a mechanism used by the Ndrangheta to move and embed their cultural identity in new environments. Europol can employ colonization to increase criminal intelligence information sharing among Member States of the European Union. Multifacetism is a mechanism used by the Ndrangheta to retain the ability to respond to actors and elements of organized crime in the context that they present themselves. This mechanism is contrasted by the approach Europol currently adopts in branding and self recognition. These cross cultural cooperation mechanisms employed by actors involved in organized crime may likely assist Europol in sharing criminal intelligence with Member States; therefore it is probable that it will also assist in combatting organized crime.


Second semester University: University of Nottingham.




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