Lost in legislation: peer sexual intimidation in secondary schools. A comparative study of France and the Netherlands
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Sexual intimidation between peers at secondary schools can have serious
psychological effects on those targeted. Nevertheless, it is a severely underestimated
phenomenon worldwide. This thesis, through a case study of France and the Netherlands,
examines the lack of protection for children against sexual intimidation at school. It describes
how this problem is excluded from French and Dutch legal frameworks and the failure to
address it formally in the international human rights environment. Through an investigation of
the legal frameworks, school policies and cultural challenges relating to this problem, this
thesis maps out the black hole in which peer sexual intimidation disappears from the public
eye. It does so by describing the structural neglect of the problem by school management, legal
authorities and executive committees responsible for the implementation of international
human rights conventions, as well as culturally embedded misconceptions about gender roles
that may lead to the general downplaying or even acceptance of this form of sexual
intimidation. There will also be a description of the problematic lack of action by schools and
officials, which results in the tolerance of frequent violence on school premises. The tolerance
of this phenomenon, which seems to target girls predominantly, leads to the violation of the
right of girls to equal education, and a failure by the Dutch and French school systems to protect
Keywords: sexual intimidation, peer sexual intimidation, sexual abuse, sexual violence,
adolescents, school, right to education, gender equality, school responsibility, underreported,
policy gap.
Second semester University: University of Cyprus