Vulnerabilities of post-conflict countries: post-conflict situations fueling trafficking in human beings; cases Kosovo and Nepal
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Research focus Starting from the observation of a rising sex market in post-conflict countries, an increase of transnational and domestic human trafficking in the aftermath of war regardless of international presence, and especially a literature gap regarding the issue, this thesis aims to find an answer as to how the increase of human trafficking can be explained in post-conflict societies. Research methods This exploratory research is conducted mainly by a literature study on primary and secondary sources. It is qualitative in nature and includes the case studies of Kosovo and Nepal as to verify the theoretical framework. Research findings The study has distinguished and structured the post-conflict factors fueling human trafficking and moreover has found an interrelationship between human trafficking and post-conflict societies, with both phenomena impacting on each other. It has examined the role of international and national anti-trafficking initiatives and has identified a number of gaps and obstacles in implementation. Recommendations This thesis aimed for contributing to the body of knowledge around human trafficking, postconflict societies and post-conflict reconstruction. It recommends to adopt a human rights approach in addition to a criminal justice approach in combating human trafficking and recommends to include anti-trafficking strategies in (inter)national post-conflict reconstruction attempts.
Second semester University: Université de Strasbourg.