Imposing democracy and human rights from the outside : the case of U.S. interventionism in the Republic of Haiti
Imposing democracy and human rights from the outside : the case of U.S. interventionism in the Republic of Haiti
Sherwood, Lee
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The July 2021 assassination of Haitian President Moïse positioned Haiti on the precipice of increased
instability, once again. Since declaring independence from France in 1804 as the first successful slave
revolt in history, The Republic of Haiti has been unable to maintain stable democratic and human rights
processes. Through this thesis, I explore the impact of direct American influence—through neoliberal
economic policies, direct military intervention, diplomatic pressure, and international collaboration—
on democracy promotion and subsequent human rights protections within Haiti. Specifically, freedom
from arbitrary arrest, detention, and violence from government forces in addition to migration patterns
and human rights monitoring mechanisms. This influence will be examined primarily through the
election of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 1990 and the subsequent coup d’état in September 1991, followed
by the reinstallation process led by the United States and culminating in the 1994 military invasion,
“Operation Upholding Democracy.” A thesis ultimately dedicated to analyzing modern challenges with
historic origins.
Second semester University: University of Ljubljana
United States of America,
foreign policy,
foreign relations,
human rights,