Volume 1 No 1

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.gchumanrights.org/handle/20.500.11825/32




Sovereign debt restructuring and the right to development: Challenges from an incomplete framework
by Daniel Kampel

The impact of the global financial crisis on the realisation of socio-economic rights in sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis based on the Millennium Development Goals framework and processes
by Nicholas W Orago

Market might in Factory Asia: The struggle to protect labour
by Matthew Mullen, Purwo Santoso, Joash Tapiheru and Elisabeth Valiente-Riedl

The economic crisis, debt and the impact on human rights: Eastern Partnership countries
by Vahan Bournazian, Mane Torosyan, Jolita Staselyte, Bogdan Banjac and Olga Chertilina

The impact of the economic crisis on human rights in Europe and the accountability of international institutions
by Lisa Ginsborg

Violence in transition: Reforms and rights in the Western Balkans
by Rachel Kurian and Ewa Charkiewicz

Poderes regulatorios estatales en el pluralismo jurídico global
by Victor Abramovich

Recent Regional Developments

Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2015: Sub-Saharan Africa
by Magnus Killander, Ken Obura and Abiy Ashenafi

Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2015: Asia-Pacific
by Nur Azizah, Matthew Mullen and Swechhya Sangroula

Selected regional developments in human rights and democratisation during 2015: Middle East
by Carine Lahoud Tatar

Selected regional developments in human rights and democratisation during 2015: The Americas
by Jorge Taiana and Veronica Gomez


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