03. Online Course Reports and Outputs
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.gchumanrights.org/handle/20.500.11825/2430
Find the new online course report 'Authoring Justice' and its flipbook version available here
We are also pleased to share the final outcomes of the course, showcasing excerpts of the participants' Capstone Projects, which were designed to be either standalone long-form works or components of books they are now beginning to write. The authors are human rights advocates, lawyers, professors, and researchers from across the globe and their pieces cover a wide range of topics, particularly in areas where human rights are at risk of being overlooked or undermined.
- 'Authoring Justice. Capstone Projects Collection' and its flipbook version available here
- 'Little Stories of the Big Steppe' by Anonymous and its flipbook version available here
- 'Home is where I planted my Akidene. About love, migration and freedom of movement' by Lien Arits
and its flipbook version
available here - 'Try' by Mattia Bastianelli Gambini and its flipbook version available here
- 'Three Mothers and a Raid' by Dawne Y. Curry and its flipbook version available here
- 'How to get home' by Evghenii Alexandrovici Goloșceapov and its flipbook version available here
- 'AI Anxiety: Fear of Being Left Behind' by Saugat Pokharel and its flipbook version available here
- 'Post-Revolution ghosts. A Christmas Carol' by Geanina Turcanu and its flipbook version available here
- 'The thing about children' by Machteld Vonk and its flipbook version available here