Caporalato as a violation of fundamental human rights affecting migrant workers in the agricultural sector in Italy

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Antoni, Tatiana
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This thesis investigates the degrading working and living conditions of migrant workers in the agricultural sector in Italy. Specifically, the present work has investigated two regions – Lazio and Puglia – to comprehend the exploitative conditions of migrant farm workers and to assess whether these represent violations of human rights to the extent of contemporary forms of slavery. Two key interviews have been conducted: firstly, with Professor Marco Omizzolo to understand the vulnerable situations of the Sikh community in the agro-pontino province in Lazio, and secondly with activist Yvan Sagnet, a leading advocate for the rights of African migrants in the Foggia province of Puglia region. This research also assesses the level of accountability of Italian institutions for the lack of progress in contrasting the phenomenon of caporalato and labour exploitation. To combat severe labour exploitation, Italy must increase efforts to enforce labour law effectively to protect migrant workers’ rights, guarantee adequate working conditions and promote all their fundamental rights.
Second semester University: University of Zagreb
migrant workers, Italy, labour exploitation, slavery, human rights violations