Middle-Earth on EU borders in the road to a dignified life: human smuggling and border policies of the European Union
Middle-Earth on EU borders in the road to a dignified life: human smuggling and border policies of the European Union
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Alikhil, Hewad
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Every human being has the right to seek for an international protection in case of being subjected to persecution at home. Seeking for an Asylum is a fundamental human right guaranteed by many international human right treaties and law. People whose rights are grossly violated, unrecognized, unprotected, and unfulfilled at home, often turn to risky ways to seek dignity, better life, and a possible future elsewhere. EU is a safe haven for those, who are in need of protection for their most fundamental rights. EU member states have a responsibility to ensure that refugees are not subjected to and are provided with access to asylum procedures at the borders, legal assistance, and adequate living conditions. There are however many strict measures introduced by the EU border management. To mention a few concrete examples: militarization of the European borders, fences, border patrols and pushbacks. These measures may have unintended consequences, such as pushing migrants towards highly more dangerous routes or forcing them to rely on human smugglers. The EU should recognize that these measures at the borders entail overlapping human rights risks for the most vulnerable, understand how to view and act on human smuggling, and find a long-term solution for refugees at risk.
Second semester University: Masaryk University, Brno
European Union,