Women, peace, and reconciliation : evidence from women’s participation in Mali’s peace process

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Groen, Hannah
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This thesis addresses women’s inclusion and influence during the Mali peace process by doing a qualitative content analysis. After the 2012 rebellion, years of crisis ensued that devastated the country. Finally, in 2014, the main conflict parties – the Malian Government, the Platform, and the Coordination of Azawad Movements – were open to starting the peace process. By looking at the Mali peace process (2014-2017) in 3 phases, pre-negotiation, negotiation, and implementation, this thesis analyzes women’s inclusion in 7 possible modalities in each of these subsequent phases. This thesis also identifies barriers to women’s inclusion in Mali, such as cultural, religious, and social norms. Overall, it was found that women’s participation in and influence on the peace process was low. Although through informal processes women and women’s organizations made clear efforts to have their issues on the peace agenda, they succeeded in this minimally. Women remained underrepresented in major decision-making bodies and parties.
Second semester University: University of Cyprus
Mali, participation, women, peace processes, discrimination