The EU human rights policy in Lebanon, a shift towards realism? The EU’s promotion of democracy and human rights in Lebanon in the normative power Europe debate: comparing the Single Support Framework and the Multiannual Indicative Programme
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This thesis aims to shed light on three interrelated questions. Firstly, it explains what the
European Union (EU) human right policy in Lebanon entails: the protection and promotion of
human rights and democracy with financial and non-financial means. It discovers and discusses
three main policy documents: the Single Support Framework for Lebanon, the Multi-annual
Indicative Programme and the European Instrument for Human Rights and Development.
Secondly, it places these policy documents in EU foreign policy and in the normative power
Europe debate, arguing that the EU human right policy in Lebanon displays elements of both
normative and realist power Europe. Finally, it raises some concerns about the EU as a donor in
the human rights development sector in Lebanon. The distribution is undemocratic and
unsustainable, with funds being less accessible for smaller organisations and sustenance of a
development money dependent society.
Second semester University: Ca' Foscari University of Venice