A comparative analysis of populist party discourses and party programs: evaluating women’s rights and gender equality in Hungary vs Poland and the Netherlands. Populist parties and gender: a human rights approach
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This paper analysis how the far-right populist parties construct women’s rights and gender
equality in Hungary, compared to Poland and the Netherlands. By analyzing party rhetoric, law
amendments,cultural and political contexts, this study highlights how far-right populist parties
shape women’s issues to further their political agendas. The study discusses the anti-feminist and
strategies of Hungary’s Fidesz and Poland’s Law and Justice party, contrasting them with the
more progressive yet still far-right populist approach of the Netherlands’ PVV. The analysis
reveal that while the far-right parties in Hungary and Poland utilize traditional gender roles to
forward their agenda at women's rights and gender equality, the Dutch far-right exploits
women’s rights discourse to justify their anti-immigrant sentiments.
Second semester University: Université du Luxembourg