Behind closed doors. Challenging the Osman test in safeguarding minors from domestic violence
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Historically seen as a private matter, domestic violence against children has only been
recently acknowledged as a human rights violation. The European Court of Human Rights has
contributed significantly to this shift by extending the State’s responsibility to prevent
violations of Art 2 ECHR perpetrated by non-State actors. As the main tool for assessing
compliance with the core obligation to take protective operational measures, the Osman test
holds substantial relevance within the Court’s jurisprudence. In recent years, the ECtHR has
invoked the Osman test in various scenarios beyond its original conception, including in the
context of domestic violence.
By thoroughly analysing relevant case law and highlighting international legal standards, this
thesis critically assesses the application of the Osman test in the context of domestic violence,
identifying its limitations in addressing the ongoing and escalating threats faced by children.
It emphasises the need for revising the Osman test by omitting the immediacy requirement to
better protect children from the far-reaching consequences of this distinct form of criminality.
This thesis thus advocates adopting a more proactive approach that recognises the cyclical
and unpredictable nature of domestic violence.
Second semester University: Université de Strasbourg