The phenomenon of hate speech in public discourse: the case of Greece. Is hate speech correlated with hate crimes in Greece?
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In this paper, we delve into the phenomenon of hate speech within the realm of public discourse in
Greece, with a particular focus on its potential correlation with hate crimes. By meticulously exploring
historical, societal, and contextual factors, we aim to decipher whether hate speech is a precursor to
hate crimes within the Greek context. Our investigation commences with an intricate examination of
hate speech, encompassing its definition and conceptual frameworks. Drawing from diverse theoretical
perspectives such as the Liberal approach, Critical Race Theory, and Speech Act Theory, we build a
comprehensive understanding of hate speech's nuances. Moving on, we provide a detailed overview of
hate speech in Greece, elucidating its historical roots and societal dynamics. We analyse its
manifestation across various platforms, from mainstream media to the digital realm of social media.
We gauge its impact on different segments of Greek society through empirical insights. At the heart of
our research lies the exploration of a potential link between hate speech and hate crimes. Through a
systematic breakdown of hate crimes, their classifications, and case studies, we endeavour to establish
whether hate speech contributes to the perpetration of hate crimes in Greece. Guided by Human Rights
Theory and the principle of human dignity, we propose a comprehensive framework to counteract hate
speech. We examine Greece's legal landscape, civil society organisations' roles, and the influence of
European Union measures in effectively curbing hate speech. In summation, our study unravels the
intricate interplay between hate speech and hate crimes in Greece. We illuminate a potential correlation
between these phenomena by unravelling historical roots, analysing contemporary manifestations, and
providing a robust theoretical framework. Our recommendations offer practical insights into
combatting hate speech and, consequently, mitigating the risk of hate crimes in the dynamic landscape
of Greek public discourse.
Second semester University: KU Leuven